Monday, December 31, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly report N. 237

Covered period: 2012 December 17-23
LAT Mission week: 237.57 - 238.57

  • A flare of the BL Lac object PKS 0426-380 was observed in the days between Dec. 17 and 20 (see ATel#4660).
  • Blazars PKS 0454-234PKS 1510-08, 4C +38.41 (also known as B2 1633+38) , PKS 1424-41, and MG1 J123931+0443 (also known as GB6 J1239+0443) were in high state with a daily flux level equal or above 1E-6 in some days of the week.   
  • Bright blazars detected with daily flux between about 0.5E-6 and 1.0E-6 in some days of the week were: CTA 102,  3C 454.3,  RX J1700.1+6830 (also known as GB6 J1700+6830) on Dec. 23,  3C 273, PKS 0521-36B2 1846+32A (2FGL J1848.5+3216, a FSRQ)  or  B2 1846+32B (2FGL J1848.6+3241, an AGN of unknown type) on Dec. 18, and PMN J0948+0022.
  • Other blazars detected during the week, with daily flux value equal or below 0.5e-6 level were: S4 1749+70, Mkn 421, PKS 0250-225, PKS 0537-441, S5 0716+71, PKS 1124-186, BL Lacertae,  PKS 0135-247, TXS 1318+225,  3C 66A  and W Comae (on Dec. 23).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV. All uncertainties are statistical only.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 236

Covered period: 2012.December.10 - 2012.December.16
LAT Mission week: 236.57 - 237.57

  • PKS 0454-234 detected all week, with a daily flux between (0.7±0.2) X 10-6 and (1.1±0.2) X 10-6.
  • PKS 0426-380 detected on 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 December, with a daily flux between (0.6±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.8±0.2) X 10-6.
  • MG1 J123931+0443 detected on 10, 13, 14, 15, and 16 December, with a daily flux between (0.5±0.2) X 10-6 and (1.6±0.3) X 10-6.
  • PKS 1510-089 detected on 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 December, with a daily flux between (0.8±0.3) X 10-6 and (2.0±0.5) X 10-6.
  • PKS B1424-418 detected on 10, 11, 13, and 15 December, with a daily flux between (0.9±0.3) X 10-6 and (1.4±0.3) X 10-6.
  • CTA 102 detected on 10, 11, 12, and 16 December, with a daily flux between (0.6±0.2) X 10-6 and (1.1±0.3) X 10-6.
  • S3 0218+35 detected on 10, 11, and 13 December, with a daily flux between (0.9±0.2) X 10-6 and (1.2±0.2) X 10-6.
  • PKS 1124-186 detected on 11, 12, and 14 December, with a daily flux between (0.3±0.1) X 10-6 and (0.6±0.2) X 10-6.
  • PKS 0521-36 detected in high activity on 12 December, with a daily flux of (1.8±0.2) X 10-6.
  • OJ 248 detected on 12, and 13 December, with a daily flux of (1.5±0.3) X 10-6 and (0.3±0.2) X 10-6, respectively.
  • Sporadic activity (fluxes below 1 X 10-6): B2 1324+22 (10 December), 4C +38.41 (10 and 11 December), Mkn 421 (11 and 14 December), PMN J2345-1555 (11 and 13 December), PKS 0250-225 (12 December), PKS 2233-148 (12 December), S5 0716+714 (16 December).
  • Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

    Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
    - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

    For questions and comments please contact:
    - M. Orienti (orienti[at] and F. D'Ammando (filippo.dammando[at] for generic information related to this week
    - Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 235

Covered period: 2012 December 3-9
LAT Mission week: 235.57 - 236.57

  • 4C +38.41 (B2 1633+38) is bright and active on Dec 3, 4, 7 and 8 with daily averaged flux above 1e-6. 
  • Gravitationally lensed blazar S4 0218+35 and blazars PKS 0454-234, MG1 J123931+0443, CTA 102 are bright, reaching a daily flux level of 1e-6 during the week.
  • BL Lacertae in flaring state at a level of 1e-6 on Dec. 6 and 7. The source faded in the following days.
  • Blazars S3 0827+24, PKS 1124-186, PKS 1244-255, PKS 1424-41, PKS 2233-148 and PKS 2320-035 are detected in some days of the week in rather bright state (flux level between 0.5e-6 and 1e-6).
  • Other blazars detected during the week, with daily flux below 0.5e-6 level are: Mkn 421, 3C 273,  PKS 0426-380, 4C +21.35 (PG 1222+216), B3 1343+451, TXS 1700+685, PKS 2023-07, PMN J2345-1555.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV. All uncertainties are statistical only.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 234

Covered period: 2012.Nov.26 - 2012.Dec.02
LAT Mission week: 234.57 - 235.57

  • TXS 1318+225 detected on 26, 27, 28 and 29 November with a daily flux between (0.4+/-0.2)e-6 and (0.9+/-0.2)e-6. On 26 November the source reached its maximum flux increasing of a factor around 35 with respect to the average 2FGL flux. An ATel on the enhanced gamma-ray activity of this source was posted (ATel#4609).
  • MG1 J123931-0443 bright all the week but 29 and 30 November, with daily fluxes between (0.6+/-0.2)e-6 and (1.1+/-0.3)e-6.
  • Mrk 421 detected on 27, 29, 30 November, 1 and 2 December with daily fluxes ranging between (0.3+/-0.1)e-6 and (0.5+/-0.2)e-6.
  • 4C+38.41 detected on 26, 30 November and 1 December with a daily flux of (1.0+/-0.3)e-6, (0.7+/-0.3)e-6 and (0.9+/-0.2)e-6, respectively.
  • The gravitationally lensed blazar S4 0218+35 was bright on 28 November, 1 and 2 December with daily fluxes between (0.6+/-0.2)e-6 and (1.4+/-0.2)e-6.
  • PKS 1424-418 detected on 30 November, 1 and 2 December with a daily flux of (0.8+/-0.2)e-6, (0.6+/-0.2)e-6 and (0.5+/-0.2)e-6, respectively.
  • PKS 1510-089 detected on 27 and 28 November with a daily flux of (0.9+/-0.3)e-6 and (1.1+/-0.2)e-6, respectively.
  • PKS 0426-380 was bright on 30 November and 1 December with a daily flux of (0.5+/-0.2)e-6 and (0.6+/-0.3)e-6, respectively.
  • PKS 1124-186 detected on 1 and 2 December with a daily flux of (0.7+/-0.2)e-6 and (0.3+/-0.1)e-6, respectively.
  • Finally, S3 0827+24 detected on 26 November at a daily flux of (1.0+/-0.2)e-6, 4C+21.35 detected on 27 November at a daily flux of (1.0+/-0.3)e-6 and PKS 0454-234 bright on 2 December with a daily flux of (1.1+/-0.3)e-6.
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (fluxes below 1e-6): B2 1846+32A (29 Nov.), BL Lac, 4C+55.17, PKS 2233-148 (30 Nov.), PKS 2155-304 (1 Dec.).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- E. Torresi (torresi[at] and F. D'Ammando (filippo.dammando[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 233

Covered period: 2012 November 19 - 2012 November 25
LAT Mission week: 233.57 - 234.57

  • S4 0218+35 was detected on Nov. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25. The daily flux was between (0.8+/-0.2)e-6 and (1.6+/-0.3)e-6.
  • MG1 J123931+0443 was detected on Nov. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. The daily flux was between (0.8+/-0.2)e-6 and (1.3+/-0.3)e-6.
  • Mrk 421 was detected on Nov. 19, 20, 22, 24. The daily flux was between (0.1+/-0.1)e-6 and (0.5+/-0.1)e-6.
  • S3 0827+41 (OJ 248) was detected on Nov. 21, 22, 23, 25. The daily flux was between (0.6+/-0.2)e-6 and (1.0+/-0.2)e-6.
  • PKS 1424-418 was detected on Nov. 21, 23, 24 with the daily fluxes between (0.5+/-0.2)e-6 and (1.0+/-0.2)e-6.
  • 4C +38.41 was detected on Nov. 19 and 22, with the daily fluxes of (0.8+/-0.2)e-6 and (0.9+/-0.2)e-6.
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars: CTA 102 (Nov. 20), PKS 0426-380 (Nov. 21), PKS 1510-089 and NGC 1275 (Nov. 22), S2 0109+22 (Nov. 24), TXS 1318+225 and 4C 21.35 (Nov. 25).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- Y. Tanaka (ytanaka[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 232

Covered period: 2012.Nov.12 - 2012.Nov.18
LAT Mission week: 232.57 - 233.57

  • PKS 0250-225 was detected three days this week. An Astronomer's Telegram (ATel#4574) was issued on 2012 Nov 15. On 2012 Nov 13 it reached a peak daily averaged flux of (1.0 +/- 0.3) X 10-6.
  • PKS 1424-418 was bright on 2012 Nov 12 with a peak daily averaged flux of (1.6 +/- 0.3) X 10-6.
  • 4C+38.41 was bright on 2012 Nov 14 with a daily averaged flux of (1.7 +/- 0.3) X 10-6.
  • Mkn 421 was detected all week (except Nov. 17) with a daily averaged flux between (0.2 +/- 0.3) X 10-6 and (0.6 +/- 0.3) X 10-6.
  • S4 0218+35 was bright all week but not detected in the daily runs on 2012 Nov 14 and 15. Daily averaged flux was between (0.8 +/- 0.2) X 10-6 and (1.8 +/- 0.2) X 10-6.
  • CTA 102 was detected sporadically with a daily averaged flux between (0.9 +/- 0.3) X 10-6 and (1.6 +/- 0.3) X 10-6.
  • Unassociated source ASPJ141708p354935 was detected on Nov. 17 with a daily averaged flux of (0.1 +/- 0.1) X 10-6 increasing to (0.3 +/- 0.1) X 10-6 on Nov. 18. The gamma ray spectral photon index was fairly hard at around 1.7
  • PKS B1424-418 was detected once with daily average flux (1.3 +/- 0.3) X 10-6.
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (fluxes below 1X10-6): PKS 0301-243, PKS 0521-36, PKS B1222+216, PKS 2326-502, PMN J2345-1555, MG1 J123931+0443, PKS 0426-380, PKS 2233-148, NRAO 676, PKS 0454-234, 0827+243, B3 1343+451, PKS 2155-304, PKS 1510-08, PKS 2326-502, S5 1803+78

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- M. Dutka (ditko86[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 231

Covered period: 2012.Nov.05 - 2012.Nov.11

LAT Mission week: 231.57 - 232.57

  • S4 0218+35 was detected every day with daily fluxes ranging from (1.5±0.3) X 10-6 to (4.0±0.5) X 10-6, reaching the peak value on Nov. 6.

  • 4C +38.41 was detected every day with a daily fluxes ranging from (0.9±0.2) X 10-6 to (1.7±0.3) X 10-6, reaching the peak value on Nov. 10.

  • PKS 1424-418 was detected every day with a daily fluxes ranging from (0.9±0.3) X 10-6 to (1.5±0.3) X 10-6, reaching the peak value on Nov. 11.

  • CTA 102 was detected every day with a daily fluxes ranging from (0.8±0.2) X 10-6 to (1.7±0.3) X 10-6, reaching the peak value on Nov. 6.

  • PKS 0521-36 was detected twice with daily fluxes of (0.4±0.2) X 10-6 and (1.0±0.3) X 10-6, reaching the peak value on Nov. 10.

  • Sporadic activity (fluxes below 1 X 10-6): PKS 0716+71 (5), Mkn 421 (4), PKS 2155-304 (4), PKS 0454-234 (2), PKS 1222+216 (2), 4C +21.35 (2), PKS 0426-380 (2), PMN J2345-1555 (2), NGC 1275, PKS 0537-441, BZQ 1239+0443, BZQ 0830+2410.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- T. Venters (toni.venters[at] for generic information related to this week.

- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 230

Covered period: 2012.October.29 - 2012.November.4

LAT Mission week: 230.57 - 231.57

  • PKS 1451-375 detected for the first time ever in γ-rays on Oct. 31 with a daily flux of (1.2±0.3)×10-6 (see ATel #4534).

  • S4 0218+35 was bright all week, with a daily averaged flux between (1.2±0.3)×10-6 and (4.4±0.5)×10-6 on Oct 31.

  • PKS 1424-41 and 4C +38.41 continued their bright activity, being detected almost all week with a daily averaged flux of 1.2×10-6.

  • Mkn 421 this week was detected every day with a daily averaged flux of 0.3×10-6.

  • PKS 0521-36 was bright on Oct. 29 with a daily flux of (1.5±0.2)×10-6.

  • MG1 J123931+0443 bright on Oct 30 and 31 with a daily flux of (1.0±0.3))×10-6 and (0.7±0.2))×10-6 respectively.

  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (fluxes below 1×10-6): PKS 0426–380, PKS 2326–502, S5 0716+714, S3 0827+24, 4C +21.35, CTA 102 and PMN J0017–0512.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- D. Bastieri (denis.bastieri[at] for generic information related to this week.

- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 229

Covered period: 2012.October.22 - 2012.October.28
LAT Mission week: 229.57 - 230.57

  • S4 0218+35 was bright all week, with a daily averaged flux between (0.8+/-0.2)X10-6 and (3.4+/-0.4)X10-6 on Oct 24.
  • NRAO 676 was bright and detected every day this week with a daily averaged flux between (0.9+/-0.2)X10-6 and (3.1+/-0.8)X10-6 on Oct 22.
  • PKS 1424-41 continued its bright activity, being detected all week with a daily averaged  flux of 1.2 X10-6.
  • 4C +38.41 was bright and detected every day this week with a daily averaged flux between (1.3+/-0.2)X10-6 and (1.9+/-0.3)X10-6.
  • CTA 102 was bright on Oct 22 with a daily flux of (1.6+/-0.3)X10-6 then was sporadically detected for the rest of the week.
  • BL Lac was detected only on Oct 28 with a daily flux of  (0.6+/-0.2)X10-6
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (fluxes below 1X10-6): PKS 0521-36, S3 0827+24, PKS 2155-304, B3 1343+451, 4C +01.28, PKS 0454-234, 0827+243, MG1 J123931+0443.
Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- D. Gasparrini (gasparrini[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 228

Covered period: 2012.October.15 - 2012.October.21
LAT Mission week: 228.57 - 229.57

  • PKS 1424-41 has been significantly detected almost every day in the first three weeks of October. This increase in activity was highlighted with an Astronomer's Telegram ( #4494) on 2012 Oct 17 when its daily averaged flux reached (1.4+/-0.2)X10-6
  • S4 0218+35 remained very bright all week, with a daily averaged flux between (1.4+/-0.3)X10-6 and (2.8+/-0.4)X10-6.
  • 4C +38.41 was bright and detected every day this week with a daily averaged flux between (0.8+/-0.2)X10-6 and (1.4+/-0.2)X10-6.
  • CTA 102 was bright and detected every day (except Oct 20) this week with a daily averaged flux between (1.1+/-0.3)X10-6 and (1.8+/-0.7)X10-6.
  • NRAO 676 was bright and detected every day (except Oct 17) this week with a daily averaged flux between (1.3+/-0.4)X10-6 and (2.4+/-0.4)X10-6.
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (fluxes below 1X10-6): PKS 0521-36, S3 0827+24, PKS 2155-304, B3 1343+451, 4C +01.28, PKS 2201+171, NGC 1275.
Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- R. Ojha (roopesh.ojha[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 227

Covered period: 2012.October.8 - 2012.October.14
LAT Mission week: 227.57 - 228.57

  • NRAO 676 is in a flaring phase during the week reaching a daily flux of (2.8+/-0.4)X10-6. See ATel #4486.
  • 4C +38.41 is quite active during the week reaching a daily flux of (2.0+/-0.3)X10-6 on October 8th.
  • CTA 102 continues to be detected most of the week reaching the daily flux of (1.8+/-0.3)X10-6 on October 8th.
  • S4 0218+35 is detected most of the week reaching a flux of (3.2+/-0.4)X10-6 on October 12th.
  • PKS 1424--41 is quite active, it is detected all the days of the week spanning a flux between 0.8X10-6 to 1.2X10-6.
  • S5 0716+71 is detected most of the week with a flux below 1X10-6.
  • PKS 2326-502, PKS 1244-255, 3C 279, Mrk 421, B3 1343+451 and OP 313 are sporadic detected in just one day of the week with a flux below 1X10-6.
Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- S. Cutini (sara.cutini[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 226

Covered period: 2012.October.1 - 2012.October.7
LAT Mission week: 226.57 - 227.57

  • Gravitationally lensed blazar S4 0218+35 was detected on Oct. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 with gradual fading. The daily flux was between (0.6+/-0.2)X10-6 and (3.0+/-0.4)x10-6.
  • CTA 102 was still in high state. It was detected every day except Oct. 4. The daily flux was between (1.4+/-0.3)X10-6 and (2.9+/-0.4)X10-6.
  • PKS B1424-418 was detected every day except Oct. 5. The daily flux was between (0.6+/-0.2)X10-6 and (0.9+/-0.2)X10-6.
  • PKS 2326-502 was detected on Oct. 1, 2, 6, and 7, with a daily flux between (0.5+/-0.2)X10-6 and (1.0+/-0.3)X10-6.
  • 4C +38.41 was detected on Oct. 2, 3, and 5, with a daily flux between (0.8+/-0.3)X10-6 and (1.2+/-0.3)X10-6.
  • PKS 1244-255 was detected on Oct. 2 and 3 with a daily fluxes of (0.5+/-0.2)X10-6 and (1.1+/-0.2)X10-6, respectively.
  • PKS 1510-08 was detected on Oct. 3 and 4 with a daily fluxes of (0.5+/-0.2)X10-6 and (0.7+/-0.2)X10-6, respectively.
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (fluxes below 1.0X10-6): S5 0716+71 and PKS 2155-304 (Oct. 1), S3 0827+24 (Oct. 2)

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- Y. Tanaka (ytanaka[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 225

Covered period: 2012.September.24 - 2012.September.30
LAT Mission week: 225.57 - 226.57

  • Fermi LAT Target of Opportunity pointing observations for S3 0218+35 have been performed between 2012 September 24 and 30. S3 0218+35 detected quite bright all week, with a daily flux between (0.8±0.2) X 10-6 and (2.1±0.1) X 10-6.
  • CTA 102 detected very bright all week, with fluxes higher than 2 X 10-6 and reaching a daily flux of (6.2±1.4) X 10-6 on 25 September.
  • S5 0716+714 detected on 25, 26, 27, 28, and 30 September with a daily flux between (0.3±0.1) X 10-6 and (0.5±0.1) X 10-6.
  • 4C +38.41 detected in high activity on 24 and 27 September, with a daily flux of (2.4±1.3) X 10-6 and (1.5±0.6) X 10-6, respectively.
  • OJ 248 detected on 27 and 29 September, with a daily flux of (1.6±0.3) X 10-6 and (0.4±0.2) X 10-6, respectively.
  • Sporadic activity (fluxes below 1 X 10-6): NGC 1275 (27 and 28 September), 1H 1013+498 (28 September), Mrk 421 (28 and 29 September), GB6 J0102+4214 (30 September).
  • Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

    Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
    - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

    For questions and comments please contact:
    - F. D'Ammando (filippo.dammando[at] and M. Orienti (orienti[at] for generic information related to this week
    - Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 224

Covered period: 2012.September.17 - 2012.September.23
LAT Mission week: 224.57 - 225.57

  • The gravitationally lensed blazar S3 0218+35 detected in high activity on September 17, 19, 20, 21, and 22 with a daily flux between (4.5±0.5) X 10-6 and (1.8±0.3) X 10-6. Fermi LAT Target of Opportunity pointing observations are scheduled between 2012 September 24 and September 30 to detect the potential echo. See ATel#4411.
  • PKS 0458-02 detected in flaring activity on September 17 with a daily flux (1.0±0.3) X 10-6. See ATel#4396. Follow-up observations confirmed the high activity of the source in optical (see ATel#4402) and in X-rays (see ATel#4407).
  • CTA 102 detected in high activity on September 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, with daily flux between (6.1±0.5) X 10-6 and (0.9±0.3) X 10-6. See ATel#4409.
  • OJ 248 detected in flaring activity on September 23 with a daily flux (1.1±0.3) X 10-6. See ATel#4421. The source was also detected on September 21, with a daily flux (0.4±0.2) X 10-6.
  • PKS 1424-41 detected on September 17, 20, 21, 22, and 23, with daily flux between (1.2±0.4) X 10-6 and (0.6±0.2) X 10-6.
  • 4C +38.41 detected on September 17, 20, 21, 22, and 23, with daily flux between (1.7±0.3) X 10-6 and (1.0±0.2) X 10-6.
  • Mkn 421 detected on September 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, with daily flux between (0.5±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.3±0.1) X 10-6.
  • PKS 2233-148 detected on September 19, 20, 21, and 22, with daily flux between (1.0±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.4±0.1) X 10-6.
  • PKS 2326-502 detected on September 20, 21, and 23, with daily flux between (0.6±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.3±0.1) X 10-6.
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (fluxes below 1 X 10-6): PKS 0116-219 (September 17), B3 1343+451 (September 19, and 20), PKS 0244-470 (September 21), PKS 0250-225 (September 22, and 23), NGC 1275 (September 23).
  • Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

    Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
    - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

    For questions and comments please contact:
    - M. Orienti (orienti[at] and F. D'Ammando (filippo.dammando[at] for generic information related to this week
    - Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 223

Covered period: 2012.September.10 - 2012.September.16
LAT Mission week: 223.57 - 224.57

  • The gravitationally lensed blazar S3 0218+35 had a daily flux of (1.0±0.2) X 10-6 on Sep 10 before fading away and was not detected for three days. It brightened again and was strongly detected the last three days of the week with daily flux in the range (1.4 - 3.8) X 10-6 with the peak on Sep 15. This blazar has been very active recently with an initial flare-up (ATel#4343) and a possible echo (ATel#4361) reported recently. This could represent a new flare and a Fermi TOO to observe another possible echo around Sep 25 is planned.
  • 4C 38.41 brightened from (0.8±0.2) X 10-6 on Sep 10 to (1.8±0.3) X 10-6 on Sep 15 before declining to (1.1±0.2) X 10-6 on September 16.
  • Apart from a dip down to (0.3±0.1) X 10-6 on Sep 11, S5 0716+71 stayed at about 1 X 10-61e-6 for the first five days of this week but was not detected on the last two days.
  • B3 1343+451 was detected on Sep 10 through Sep 15, with a daily flux between (0.5±0.1) X 10-6 and (0.8±0.2) X 10-6.
  • PKS 1424-418 was detected on Sep 10, 12 and 16 with a daily flux of (0.9±0.3) X 10-6, (1.0±0.4) X 10-6 and (0.7±0.2) X 10-6, respectively.
  • Mkn 421 was detected on September 10, 12, and 16 with daily flux between (0.4±0.1) X 10-6 and (0.6±0.2) X 10-6.
  • PKS 0116-219 was detected on Sep 12, 13, and 16 with daily flux between (0.5±0.1) X 10-6 and (0.7±0.2) X 10-6.
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (fluxes below 1 X 10-6 ): PKS 2326-502 (Sep 10, 12), PG 1553+113 (Sep 11), PKS 0250-225 (Sep 14), B2 0716+33 (Sep 13), PKS 2155-304 (Sep 15).
  • Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

    Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
    - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

    For questions and comments please contact:
    - R. Ojha (roopesh.ojha[at] for generic information related to this week
    - Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 222

Covered period: 2012.September.03 - 2012.September.09
LAT Mission week: 222.57 - 223.57

  • The gravitationally lensed blazar S3 0218+35 re-brightened on September 3, with a daily flux of (1.0±0.2) X 10-6, reaching its maximum on September 6, with a daily flux of (2.4±0.3) X 10-6. This flaring activity possibly represents the gravitational lens time delayed counterpart of the previous flaring event that started on August 25. See ATel#4361. The source continued to be detected on September 7, and 9 with a daily flux of (1.0±0.2) X 10-6 and (1.2±0.3) X 10-6, respectively. See ATel#4371.
  • Mkn 421 detected on September 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9, with a daily flux between (0.2±0.1) X 10-6 and (0.5±0.2) X 10-6.
  • B3 1343+451 detected on September 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9, with a daily flux between (0.4±0.1) X 10-6 and (0.9±0.2) X 10-6.
  • 4C 38.41 detected on September 3, 5, 7, and 8, with a daily flux between (0.5±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.9±0.2) X 10-6.
  • S5 0716+714 detected on September 6, 7, 8, and 9, with a daily flux between (0.4±0.1) X 10-6 and (1.1±0.2) X 10-6.
  • PKS 1124-186 detected on September 3, and 4, with a daily flux of (0.5±0.2) X 10-6.
  • PKS 2233-148 detected on September 6, and 9, with a daily flux of (0.5±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.4±0.1) X 10-6, respectively.
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (fluxes below 1 X 10-6 ): PKS 0250-225 (September 3), 1H 1013+498 (September 3), S4 0954+65 (September 4), PKS 2326-502 (September 7), PKS 1424-418 (September 9).
  • Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

    Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
    - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

    For questions and comments please contact:
    - M. Giroletti (giroletti[at] and M. Orienti (orienti[at] for generic information related to this week
    - Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N.221

Covered period: 2012.Aug.27 - 2012.Sep.02
LAT Mission week: 221.57 - 222.57

  • Mkn 421 and B3 1343+451 were detected almost all week long with flux in the range 0.4-0.7 X 10-6 and 0.5-1.0 X 10-6, respectively.
  • Four other sources were detected at least in 3 days of the week with some trend in brightness. The flux decreased from 2.1 to 0.5 X 10-6 for PKS 1510-08 and from 0.9 to 0.5 X 10-6 for PKS 2233-148. On the contrary, the flux increased from 0.4 to 0.7 X 10-6 for 4C +38.41 and from 0.6 to 0.9 X 10-6 for PKS B1424-418.
  • Sporadic activity (fluxes above 1.0 X 10-6) was observed from S4 0218+35 (1.7 on Aug. 27) and 3C 273 (1.9 on Aug. 31).
  • Sporadic activity (fluxes below 1.0 X 10-6) was observed from BL Lacertae (0.5 and 0.8 on Aug. 27 and 28), PKS 2326–502 (0.4 and 0.7 on Aug. 28 and 30), PKS 0250-225 (0.4 on Aug. 30), PKS 0405-385 (0.4 on Aug. 31), PKS 0537-441 (0.2 on Sep. 02), B2 0716+33 (0.3 on Sep. 01), and 1H 1013+498 (0.1 on Sep. 01).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- D. Donato (donato[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 220

Covered period: 2012.Aug.20 - 2012.Aug.26
LAT Mission week: 220.57 - 221.57

  • First gamma-ray flare of the high redshift BL Lac object PKS2131-021 (z=1.284). The source reached a level of 0.6E-6 (about 30 times greater than the average flux reported in the second Fermi LAT catalog) on August 21. See ATel#4333 for more details. 
  • Bright gamma-ray flare from the gravitationally lensed blazar S3 0218+35 (also known as B2 0218+35, OD 330, lens B0218+357,z=0.944+/-0.002). S3 0218+35 was active in gamma-rays all week, peaking at a daily flux level of about 1.6 and 1.7E-6 respectively on August 26 and 27. The source is lensed by aspiral galaxy at z=0.6846, it possesses one of the smallest Einstein rings in the radio band (0''.33 diameter) and is an important object for studies of gravitational lensing, Hubble constant value and individual molecular clouds at high redshifts. The time delay between the variations in the two compact radio source images is 10.5+/-0.4 days. See ATel#4343 for more details.
  • Several blazars detected in flaring state during this week.
  • BL Lacertae peaked with daily flux about 1.9E-6 on August 25and was above the 1E-6 level most days of the week. 
  • PKS 1830-211 peaked with daily flux about 1.4E-6 on August 21.
  • The high redshift blazar B3 1343+451 (z=2.534) was detected with daily flux of about 1E-6 on August 26.
  • PKS 1510-089 and NRAO 676 were both detected at a daily flux level of 1E-6 on August 23.
  • Enduring activity from Mkn 421 was detected the entire week. The source peaked at a daily flux level of 0.6E-6 on August 21,22 and 26.
  • S5 0716+71 and 4C 38.41 (B2 1633+38) are active and detected all week above the 0.6E-6 level.
  • PKS 2326-502, PKS 1424-41, PKS 2233-148, PKS 0454-234, are other blazars observed above the 0.5E-6 level in some days of the week. 
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars, with a daily flux level below about 0.5E-6: NGC 1275, PKS 0537-441, Mkn 501

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV. All uncertainties are statistical only.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at] for generic information related to this week 
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 219

Covered period: 2012.Aug.013 - 2012.Aug.19
LAT Mission week: 219.57 - 220.57

  • A gamma ray source in the vicinity of PMN J1626--2426 reached a flux 1.0 X 10-6. An Atel was issued In response to this event see ATel#4325.
  • PKS 1424-418 bright in the beginning of this week with a flux around 1 X 10-6 and then decreased to 0.4 X 10-6 at the end of the week.
  • Mrk 421 detected everyday this week peaking at 1.3 X 10^-6 on August 17.
  • S5 0716+71 bright this week with flux peaking at 1.4 X 10-6 on August 17
  • NRAO 676 , PKS 2326-502 also bright this week with fluxes peaking around 1.0 X 10-6
  • CTA 102, B3 1342+451, PKS 0537-441, OG 050, 3C 66A, PKS 0244-470, 1633+382, PKS 2233-148, 4C +38.41, 3C 279, BL Lac , PMN J2345-1555 detected in one or two days of the week (flux below 1 X 10-6 ).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- M. Dutka (ditko86[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N.218

Covered period: 2012.Aug.6 - 2012.Aug.12
LAT Mission week: 218.57 - 219.57

  • S5 0716+71 is detected most of the week with daily flux in the range 0.2-0.7 X 10-6.
  • PKS 1424-418 is detected every day this week with daily flux around 1.6 X 10-6
  • Mkn 421 detected every day this week reaching a peak flux of 1.0 X 10-6 on Aug 10 2012, continuing the high activity already reported in Atel #4261
  • PKS 1830-211 detected every day this week reaching a peak flux of 1.7 X 10-6 on Aug 11 2012
  • PKS 0244-470 detected every day this week but below the threshold of 1.0 X 10-6
  • PKS 2326-502, NRAO 676,OG 050, 3C 66A, SBS 0846+513, PKS 2155-304, B3 1343+451,PKS 1510-08,PKS 2233-148, NGC 1275, B2 1415+36, PKS 0906+01 detected once or twice during the week (flux below 1 X 10-6 ).
Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.
Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- D. Gasparrini (gasparrini[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N.217

Covered period: 2012.Jul.30 - 2012.Aug.05
LAT Mission week: 217.57 - 217.57

  • Four sources were detected every day of the week: S5 0716+71, Mkn 421, PKS 2233-148, and PKS B1424-418. The flux of S5 0716+71 was 0.7 X 10-6, but peaked just above 1.0 X 10-6 on Aug. 2 and 3; Mkn 421 and PKS 2233-148 showed a constant behavior with the daily flux in the range 0.4-0.6 X 10-6 and 0.5-0.8 X 10-6, respectively; PKS B1424-418 was seen more variable with flux flickering between 0.8 and 1.5 X 10-6.
  • PKS 2326-502 was detected in the first 4 days of the week with daily flux in the range 0.6-0.8 X 10-6.
  • Sporadic activity (fluxes below 1.0 X 10-6) observed from 4C +21.35 (0.4 on Jul. 31), 4C +38.41 (0.9 on Aug. 3), PKS 0244-470 (0.7 on Jul. 31 and Aug. 5), PKS 0735+17 (0.2 on Jul. 30), CTA 102 (0.5 on Jul. 30 and 0.8 on Aug. 1), PG 1246+586 (0.2 on Aug. 5), PKS 1424+240 (0.3 on Aug. 3), PKS 2155-304 (0.1 on Aug. 4), and PKS 2255-282 (0.4 on Jul. 31).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- D. Donato (donato[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 216

Covered period: 2012.Jul.23 - 2012.Jul.29
LAT Mission week: 216.57 - 217.57

  • Mkn 421 detected everyday this week reaching a peak flux of 0.9 X 10-6 on July 29 2012
  • PKS 1424-418 detected almost every day this week peaking at 1.4 X 10-6 on July 24 2012
  • BL Lac detected on July 23 2012 in conjunction with a radio/optical flare see Atel#4271
  • PKS 2326-502 and PKS 2233-148 detected on multiple days during the week with fluxes below 1 X 10-6
  • PKS 2345-16,SBS 0846+513, 4C +21.35, S4 0218+35, S5 0716+71, PKS 0244-470, NRAO 676, PKS 2155-304, B3 1343+451, 3C 66A, OG 050, PMN J2345-1555, PKS 2255-282 detected once or twice during the week (flux below 1 X 10-6 ).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- M. Dutka (ditko86[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 215

Covered period: 2012.July.16 - 2012.July.22
LAT Mission week: 215.57 - 216.57

  • Mrk 421 detected in flaring activity on July 16 with a daily flux of (1.4±0.2) X 10-6. See ATel#4261. The source continued to be detected between July 17 and 21, with a daily flux between (0.4±0.1) X 10-6 and (0.9±0.2) X 10-6.
  • NRAO 676 detected in high gamma-ray activity on July 16, 17 and 18, with a daily flux between (0.9±0.2) X 10-6 and (1.5±0.3) X 10-6.
  • PKS B1424-418 detected on July 17, 18, 19, and 21, with a daily flux between (0.6±0.2) X 10-6 and (1.0±0.3) X 10-6.
  • PKS 2326-502 detected on July 17, 20, 21, and 22, with a daily flux between (0.8±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.9±0.2) X 10-6.
  • PKS 2233-148 detected on July 17, 18, 19, and 22, with a daily flux between (0.4±0.1) X 10-6 and (0.6±0.2) X 10-6.
  • NGC 1275 detected quite bright on July 20 and 21, with a daily flux of (0.8±0.3) X 10-6 and (0.4±0.1) X 10-6, respectively.
  • B3 1343+451 detected on July 19 and 20, with a daily flux of (0.7±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.4±0.2) X 10-6, respectively.
  • PKS 0244-470 detected on July 19 and 20, with a daily flux of (0.3±0.1) X 10-6 and (0.4±0.1) X 10-6, respectively.
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (fluxes below 1 X 10-6): S3 0827+24 (July 17), PKS 2131-021 (July 18), Ton 599 (July 19), S5 0716+714 (July 19), PKS 0116-219 (July 20), S5 2007+77 (July 20), OG 050 (July 21), PKS 0735+17 (July 21), PKS 2155-304 (July 21), PKS 0906+01 (July 21), PKS 2255-282 (July 21).
  • Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

    Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
    - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

    For questions and comments please contact:
    - F. D'Ammando (filippo.dammando[at] and M. Orientii (orienti[at] for generic information related to this week
    - Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 214

Covered period: 2012.july.09 - 2012.July.15
LAT Mission week: 214.57 - 215.57

  • Mrk 421 detected all week with a daily flux between (0.8±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.3±0.1) X 10-6.
  • NRAO 676 detected on high state on July 9, 10, 14, and 15, with a daily flux between (2.5±0.4) X 10-6 and (1.5±0.3) X 10-6.
  • B3 1343+451 detected on July 9, 10, and 11, with a daily flux between (0.8±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.4±0.1) X 10-6.
  • PKS 1424+240 detected on July 10, 11, and 14, with a daily flux between (0.4±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.2±0.1) X 10-6.
  • S4 0218+35 detected on July 9, and 15, with a daily flux of (0.5±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.6±0.2) X 10-6, respectively.
  • S5 0716+71 detected on July 11, and 13, with a daily flux of (0.6±0.2) X 10-6 and (0.3±0.1) X 10-6, respectively.
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (fluxes below 1 X 10-6 ): PKS 2345-16 (July 10), CTA 102 (July 10), PKS 0537-441 (July 11), PKS 2131-021 (July 13), PKS 0244-470 (July 14), OG 050 (July 14), PKS B1424-418 (July 15).
  • Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

    Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
    Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

    For questions and comments please contact:
    - M. Orienti (orienti[at] and M. Giroletti (giroletti[at] for generic information related to this week
    - Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 213

Covered period: 2012.Jul.02-2012.Jul.08
LAT Mission week: 213.57-214.57

  • On July 3 the Crab nebula region reached a daily average flux level of (5.5±0.7) X 10-6 which is twice its average level. This triggered TOO observations lasting 300 ks (elapsed time) and was reported in ATel#4239. After staying at elevated daily levels and showing considerable variations on shorter time scales, the daily flux dropped back to an average level on July 7.
  • NRAO 676 was very bright all week and reached a record daily average flux level of (4.5±0.4) X 10-6 on July 4th. The discovery of this source was communicated to the community last month (ATel#4182) when its daily average flux reached (2.3±0.3) X 10-6 on 2012 June 16.
  • S5 0716+714 was detected on all except one day from July 3 through July 8 with daily average flux in the range (0.6-0.9) X 10-6.
  • PKS 2326-502 was detected on July 2, July 3 and again on July 8 with daily average flux in the range (0.6-1.1) X 10-6.
  • Sporadic activity (fluxes below 1e-6): BL Lacertae, PKS 1510-08, PKS 2255-282, 4C +28.07, Mrk 421, PKS 0906+01, NGC 1275, 4C +55.17, MG2 J043337+2905, OG 050, TXS 0141+268, S4 0218+35, PKS 0804-05, 4C +38.41.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- Roopesh Ojha (Roopesh.Ojha[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 212

Covered period: 2012.Jun.25-2012.Jul.01
LAT Mission week: 212.57-213.57

  • PKS 2326-502 was detected on daily time scale starting from June 26 with fluxes between (0.8+/-0.3)e-6 and (2.2+/-0.3)e-6. An ATel was issued (ATel#4225) on the renewed gamma-ray activity of this source.
  • S5 0716+714 was detected on June 25, 26 and 29 with daily fluxes of (0.4+/-0.1)e-6, (0.5+/-0.1)e-6 and (0.6+/-0.1)e-6, respectively.
  • Mkn 421 was detected on June 25, 30 and July 1 with a daily flux of (0.3+/-0.1)e-6.
  • PMN J2345-1555 was detected on June 28 and 29 with daily fluxes of (0.3+/-0.2)e-6 and (0.5+/-0.2)e-6, respectively.
  • A new gamma-ray source in the vicinity of NRAO 676 was detected on June 26 with a daily flux of (2.5+/-0.3)e-6.
  • Sporadic activity (fluxes below 1e-6): NGC 1275 (June 25), B3 1343+451 (June 25), 4C +21.35 (June 25), BL Lac (June 26), PKS B1424-418 (June 27), PKS 0537-441 (June 28).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- F. D'Ammando (filippo.dammando[at] and E. Torresi (torresi[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 211

Covered period: 2012.Jun.18 - 2012.Jun.25

LAT Mission week: 211.57 - 212.57

  • PKS 2233-148 was detected four times with daily fluxes ranging from (1.2±0.3) X 10-6 to (3.2±0.4) X 10-6, reaching the peak value on Jun. 20.

  • PKS 0906+01 was detected on Jun. 18 with a daily flux of (1.2±0.3) X 10-6.

  • Sporadic activity (fluxes below 1 X 10-6): PKS 1424-41 (5), PKS 1954-388 (2), S5 0716+71 (2), Mkn 421 (2), CTA 102, PKS 1244-255, PKS 1510-08, PKS 2142-75.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- T. Venters (toni.venters[at] and D. Donato (donato[at] for generic information related to this week

- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 210

Covered period: 2012 June 11-17
LAT Mission week: 210.57 - 211.57

  • New LAT source detected clearly at least from June 14 and preliminary associated to the candidate blazar NRAO 676 (aka TXS 2159+505, a possible FSRQ placed at z=1.899). The source was detected in flaring state on June 16 with daily flux of (2.3 ± 0.3)E-6 (see ATel#4182).
  • The gamma-ray flaring activity of the BL Lac object PKS 2233-148 (see ATel#4152) continued and increased during this week. On June 13 the source reached a daily averaged flux level of about 2.8E-6 (almost 40 times the averaged flux over the first 2 years of survey).
  • The gravitationally lensed blazar PKS 1830-211 (see ATel#4158) continued to be in high state being detected at a level above 1E-6 most days of the week. The source reached a flux level of about 3E-6 on June 13.
  • Gamma-ray flaring activity of blazar OJ 287 detected at a level of about 1E-6 on June 17.
  • Solar Flare detected by the LAT in a 6h interval of June 14 (6h-bin averaged flux = 8E-6). This detection is spatially and temporally consistent with the M1.9 solar flare event that occurred the same day.
  • Blazars PKS 1510-08, B2 1520+31, B3 1343+451, CTA 102, PKS 1424-41, PKS 2233-148, PMN J2345-1555, 4C +04.42, detected in some days of the week in bright state (above about the flux level of 0.5E-6).
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars, with a daily flux level below about 0.5E-6: 3C 66A, 4C +28.07, S5 0716+714, Mkn 421, PKS 2155-304, PKS 2326-502.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV. All uncertainties are statistical only.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact: - S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at] for generic information related to this week - Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 209

Covered period: 2012 June 4-10
LAT Mission week: 209.57 - 210.57

  • Gamma-ray flaring activity of the BL Lac object PKS 2233–148 (z>0.65). The averaged daily flux level detected on June the 5th was (1.5±0.2)E-6 (see ATEL#4152). PKS 2233–148 was active and bright all the days of the week (daily flux level always above about 0.7E-6).
  • The gravitationally lensed blazar PKS 1830-211 showed renewed gamma-ray flaring activity with a daily flux level above 1E-6 in every
    day of the week. On June the 6th, in particular, the source reached a daily averaged flux level of (2.2±0.2)E-6 (see ATel#4158).
  • Gamma-ray flare of BL Lacertae, peaking on June the 5th (averaged daily flux level of (2.1±0.3)E-6). The source was detected in high state
    most days of the week.
  • The Narrow line Seyfert 1 object PMN J0948+0022 showed a flare on June the 9th (daily averaged flux around 1E-6).
  • Blazars PMN J2345–1555, PKS 0454–234, CTA 102, 4C +38.41 (S4 1633+38), B3 1343+451, S5 0716+71, Ton 599, PKS 1903-80 were detected in some days of the week in bright state (above about the flux level of 0.5E-6).
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars, with a flux level below about 0.5E-6): B3 1343+451, PMN J2345–1555, PKS 2255–282, OG 50, PKS 1424-41, Mkn 421, Mkn 501, B3 1708+433.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV. All uncertainties are statistical only.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact: - S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at] for generic information related to this week - Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 208

Covered period: 2012.May.28 - 2012.Jun.03
LAT Mission week: 208.57 - 209.57

  • A solar flare was detected by LAT on Jun 3 with a daily flux level of (5.0+/- 0.6) X 10-6. Goes detected a M3.3 class flare around 18:00 UTC in agreement with the third six-hour time interval of the day.
  • S5 0716+71 was detected on May 28 and then every day from May 31 through Jun 3 with daily flux in the range (0.4-0.7) +/- 0.1 X 10-6.
  • Mrk 421 was detected on May 28 and then every day from May 31 through Jun 3 with daily flux in the range (0.2-0.3) +/- 0.1 X 10-6).
  • CTA 102 was detected on May 28 and Jun 1 with a daily flux of 0.8 +/- 0.2 X 10-6 on both days. Increased optical activity in this source was observed this week by the ATOM telescope (ATel #4141).
  • B3 1343+451 was detected from May 31 through Jun 2 brightening from 0.3 to 0.8 X 10-6).
  • PMN J2345-1555 was detected on May 29, and then Jun 1 through Jun 3 with with daily flux in the range (0.3-0.7) +/- 0.1 X 10-6).
  • PKS 2233-148 was detected on May 29, Jun 2 and Jun 3 brightening from 0.4 to 0.9 X 10-6).
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (flux below 1 X 10-6 ) NGC 1275, PKS 2255-282.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- R. Ojha (roopesh.ojha[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 207

Covered period: 2012.May.21 - 2012.May.27
LAT Mission week: 206.57 - 207.57

  • CTA 102 continues to be detected most of the week reaching a daily flux of 1.5x10-6 on May 22nd.
  • S5 0716+71 is detected most of the week with a flux below 1x10-6
  • Mkn 421 is detected most of the week with a flux below 1x10-6.
  • PKS 1830-211 is detected on the second half of the week with a flux below 1x10-6.
  • SBS 0846+513 is detected on May 24th with a daily flux of 0.5x10-6.
  • BL Lacertae, PKS 0537-441, B2 1520+31, AO 0235+164, PKS 2326-502, OJ 287, PKS 2155-304, PKS B1310–041, Ton 599, PKS 2142-75, B3 1343+451, PKS 2233–148 and PKS 0341-256 are sporadic detected in just one day of the week with a flux below 1x10-6.
Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.
Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- D. Gasparrini (dario.gasparrini[at] for generic information related to this week - Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 206

Covered period: 2012 May 14-20
LAT Mission week: 206.57 - 207.57

  • PKS 1830-211 and PMN J1038-5311 are both in high state being detected most days of the week, showing also a daily flux level above 10^-6 photons cm^-2 s^-1 at least in a couple of days. The daily peak flux observed is about 1.9X10^-6 on May 18 for PKS 1830-211, and about 1.5X10^-6  on May 15 and 18 for PMN J1038-5311.
  • Other blazars detected in high state in one day of the week are PKS 1510-089 reaching the daily flux level of 10^-6 on May 14,  OJ 248 (S3 0827+24) flaring at about 10^-6 on May 17, and OJ 287 flaring at about  10^-6 on May 18.
  • CTA 102, S5 0716+71, PKS 2326-502PMN J2345-1555, and PKS 0454-234 are detected most days of the week.
  • Sporadic detections of blazars with daily flux level below 10^-6: BL Lac, PMN J2250-2806, 4C +21.35  PKS 2255-282, PKS 2233-148, PG 1218+304.
  • Sporadic detections of blazars with daily flux level below 0.5x10^-6:  B2 1520+31, PKS 0341-256, 3C 66A, PKS 2233-148,  SBS 0846+513 (a narrow line Sy1 galaxy), Mkn 421,  PKS 2123-463,  TXS 1616+517, PKS 2155-304, PKS 0341-256, GB6 J0850+4855, B3 1343+451.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV. All uncertainties are statistical only.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.
For questions and comments please contact: - S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at] for generic information related to this week - Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 205

Covered period: 2012.May.07 - 2012.May.13
LAT Mission week: 205.57 - 206.57

  • BL Lacertae is quite active during the week reaching a daily flux of 0.9x10 -6 on May 11th.
  • CTA 102 continues to be detected most of the week reaching the the daily flux of 0.9x10-6 on May 7th.
  • S5 0716+71 is detected most of the week with a flux below 1x10-6.
  • PKS 2326-502 is detected most of the week reaching a flux of 0.9x10-6.
  • NGC 1275 is detected two time during the week reaching a flux of 0.7x10-6 on May 13th.
  • PKS B1339-206, PKS 0426-380, S5 1803+78, PKS 1244-255, PKS 0537-441, B2 1520+31, Mrk 421 and PMN J2250-2806 are sporadic detected in just one day of the week with a flux below 1x10-6.
Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.
Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- S. Cutini (sara.cutini[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 204

Covered period: 2012.Apr.30 - 2012.May.06
LAT Mission week: 204.57 - 205.57

  • OG 050 reached a record daily flux level of 1.4±0.4) X 10-6 on Apr 30, which is 16 times its average 2FGL flux. This source is known to the community as an earlier Astronomer’s Telegram (ATel#3750) reported a flare in November 2011 when it had a daily flux of 1.1 X 10-6 (and a 6-hour flux of 2 X 10-6). It was only detected one other day during this week: on May 5 with a daily flux of (0.7±0.3) X 10-6.
  • An unassociated source at a daily flux level of (0.9±0.2) X 10-6 was detected well off the Galactic plane on May 1. A plausible counterpart was found in the QSO PKS 1346-112. This possible association has been known to the community through an Astronomer’s Telegram (ATel#3788) issued on 29 Nov 2011 when the daily flux was 1.2±0.2) X 10-6.
  • An unassociated source ASPJ122102m070351 was detected (TS=27) well off the Galactic plane on May 3, at a daily flux of (0.8±0.2) X 10-6 which is 44 times its flux in the 2FGL catalog (1FGL J1221.4-0635, 2FGL J1221.4-0633).
  • S5 0716+71 was detected every day from April 30 through May 4 with flux in the range (0.3-0.6)±0.1 X 10-6.
  • PKS 2326-502 was detected from May 4 through May 6 brightening from 0.3 to 0.8 X 10-6.
  • Sporadic daily detections of blazars (fluxes below 1 X 10-6): 3C 273, PKS 1424-418, BL Lacertae, PKS 1244-255, Ton 599, B2 1520+31.
Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.
Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- R. Ojha (Roopesh.Ojha[at] for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 203

Covered period: 2012.Apr.23 - 2012.Apr.29

LAT Mission week: 203.57 - 204.57

  • PKS 1510-08 was detected throughout the week with daily fluxes ranging from (1.0-2.1) X 10-6, reaching the peak value on Apr. 24.

  • CTA 102 was detected three times with daily fluxes ranging from (0.5±0.2) X 10-6 to a peak value of (1.0±0.3) X 10-6 reached on Apr. 24.

  • PKS 0454-234 was detected twice with daily fluxes of (1.2±0.4) and (1.3±0.4) X 10-6 on Apr. 23 and Apr. 24, respectively.

  • Sporadic activity (fluxes below 1 X 10-6): S5 0716+71, PKS B1424-418, PKS 2233-148, PKS 1124-186, PKS 2326-502, B2 1520+31, 1ES 2322-409, B3 1343+451, Mkn 421.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- T. Venters (toni.venters[at] for generic information related to this week

- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N.202

Covered period: 2012.Apr.16 - 2012.Apr.22

LAT Mission week: 202.57 - 203.57

  • S5 0716+71 and PKS 0454-234 detected through the week with daily flux in the range 0.3-0.5 X 10-6 and 0.9-1.4 X 10-6, respectively.

  • Sporadic activity (fluxes above 1.0 X 10-6) observed from 1510-089 (1.2 on Apr. 21) and CTA 102 (1.0 on Apr. 22).

  • Sporadic activity (fluxes below 1.0 X 10-6) observed from 1510-089 (0.7 on Apr. 21), PKS 2155-304 (0.2 on Apr. 16 and 20), Mkn 421 (0.2 and 0.3 on Apr. 17 and 21), B2 1520+31 (0.8 on Apr. 17), OJ 287 (0.5 on Apr. 19), B3 1343+451 (0.5 on Apr. 19), 4C +21.35 (0.4 on Apr. 19), PKS B1339-206 (0.8 on Apr. 21), PKS B1424-418 (0.4 on Apr. 21), PKS 2326-502 (0.5 on Apr. 22).

Fluxes are in the units of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- D. Donato (donato[at] for generic information related to this week

- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 201

Covered period: 2012.April.09 - 2012.April.16

LAT Mission week: 201.57 - 202.57

  • BL Lacertae quite active during the week reaching a daily flux of 2.3x10-6 on April 9th. See ATel #4028. It was also detected on April 14th and 15th with a flux of ~1.4x10-6.

  • PKS 1510-089 and S5 0716+71 continue to be detected most of the week reaching the the daily flux of 1x10-6 and 0.310-6 respectively.

  • Mrk 421 detected on 11th, 12th and 14th April reaching a daily flux of 0.2x10-6.

  • B3 1708+433, PKS 0454-234, PMN J2250-2806, PKS 0426--380, PKS 1424-41 and B2 1520+31 detected in more than one day of the week with a flux below 1x10-6

  • S5 1803+78, PKS 1346-112, S4 0218+35, PKS 1954--388 , PKS B1339--206 and B3 1343+451 detected in just one day of the week with a flux below 1x10-6

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- S. Cutini (sara.cutini[at] for generic information related to this week

- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 200

Covered period: 2012.April.02 - 2012.April.08

LAT Mission week: 200.57 - 201.57

  • A new transient gamma-ray source near the Galactic plane (b = -8.1 deg) was detected on April 7, 2012 with a daily flux of (1.0±0.3)x10-6. On April 8, 2012 the source reached a daily flux of (1.6±0.3)x10-6. Based on one week of Fermi LAT monitoring data the origin of this gamma-ray source was localized to RA,Dec: 17h17m14.64s, -51h56m49.20s, with a 95% confidence error circle radius of 0.18 deg. The nearby compact radio source PMN J1717-5155 is consistent with the LAT position (ATel #4023), which is probably a gamma-ray blazar (ATel #4029).

  • BL Lacertae was detected on April 5 with a flux of (1.4±0.3)x10-6. It was also detected on April 2nd and 7th with a flux of ~0.6x10-6.

  • PKS 1510-089 was detected with a flux of (1.5±0.5)x10-6 and (1.2±0.4)x10-6 on April 4th and 8th, respectively.

  • PKS 1424-413 was detected with a flux of (1.2±0.3)x10-6 on April 6th
  • .

  • Sporadic activity (fluxes below 1x10-6): PKS 2326-502 (April 5-6), PKS 0426-380 (April 6-8), PKS 0537-441 & PKS 2255-282 (April 4), PKS 0716+714 (April 2), B2 1520+31, PKS 2155-304, and Mrk 421 (all April 3 and 6)

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

For questions and comments please contact:
- F. Schinzel (fsch[at] for generic information related to this week

- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 199

Covered period: 2012.Mar.26 - 2012.Apr.01

LAT Mission week: 199.57 - 200.57

  • BL Lacertae detected in high gamma-ray activity on March 30 and April 1, with a daily flux of (1.4+/-0.3)x10-6 and (0.7+/-0.2)x10-6, respectively.

  • PKS 0454-234 detected on March 26, 27, 28, 30, and 31, with a daily flux between (0.5+/-0.2)x10-6 and (0.8+/-0.2)x10-6.

  • Mrk 421 detected on March 26, 29, 31, and April 1 with a daily flux between 0.1x10-6 and 0.3x10-6.

  • Sporadic activity (fluxes below 1x10-6): PMN J0531-4827 (March 26), PKS 1244-255 (March 26 and 28), B2 1520+31 (March 27 and 29), PKS 0426-380 (March 28), PKS 2052-47 (March 30).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

For questions and comments please contact:
- F. D'Ammando (filippo.dammando[at] for generic information related to this week

- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.