Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly reports N.78

Covered period: 2009.Nov.30 – 2009.Dec.6 (UT)

LAT Mission week: 78.57 – 79.57

A very interesting week for LAT blazars with the detection of a giant GeV flare from the FSRQ 3C 454.3.

  • 3C 454.3 (LAT Atel #2328) : continued to the previous week's flare and reached a very high state with an average daily gamma-ray flux of 22 ± 1, peaking at 26 ± 3 in the 6 hour period between 12 and 18 UT of Dec. 2nd. This flare is the highest ever recorded in this energy range and represents more than twice the flux of the Vela pulsar, the brightest persistent source in the gamma-ray sky.
    See the NASA press release http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/GLAST/news/brightest-blazar.html
    From Dec. 2nd the flux slightly decreased almost continuously but ended the week on Dec. 6 with daily flux = 14 ± 1.

  • GB6 B1310+4844 (GB1 1310+487) (LAT ATels #2306, #2316) : remained in high state until Dec. 2nd with flux = 0.6 +/- 0.2 and index = 2.0 +/- 0.2 and was not detected after this day.

  • 4C +14.23 began less active than last week with flux = 1.0 +/- 0.4 on Nov. 30 but the flux then increased to 1.9 +/- 0.5 on Dec. 1St . The source finished the week with flux = 1.4 +/- 0.4 on Dec. 4.

  • PKS 1222+21 was detected on Dec 1st and Dec. 4 at a similar level to last week reaching flux = 0.8 +/- 0.2.

  • 3C 273 appeared once during the week on Dec. 2nd with daily flux = 1.8 +/- 0.4.

  • PKS 0426-38 appeared on Nov. 30 with flux = 0.3 +/- 0.1 and reached flux = 0.8 +/- 0.2 on Dec. 1st.

  • 4C +38.41 was detected on Dec. 4 with flux = 0.7 +/- 0.2.

  • PKS 0537-441 appeared at the end of the week, on Dec. 5, with flux = 0.7 +/- 0.3.

  • Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm2/s above 100 MeV. All errors are statistical only.

    Note. All the fluxes reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.
    - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

    For questions and comments please contact:

    - S. Ciprini (escande[at]cenbg.in2p3.fr) for generic information related to this week

    - Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.77

Covered period: 2009.Nov.23 - 2009.Nov.29

LAT Mission week: 77.57 - 78.57

Another good week for gamma-ray blazars with the detection of a spectrally hard flare from the FSRQ, GB6 B1310+4844, and record breaking activity in the LAT from 3C 454.3. Several of last week's active sources have faded (B2 1520+31, PKS 1622-253, PKS 1510-089).

  • GB6 B1310+4844 (GB1 1310+487, LAT ATels #2306, #2316) continued the previous week's flare and peaked on Nov. 27 with daily flux=(2.5 ± 0.4) x 10-6. The spectrum exhibited significant hardening during the flare with a daily photon index for Nov. 26 of 1.8 ± 0.1. This is harder than any of the average photon indices found for FSRQs in the LAT bright AGN sample (Abdo et al., 2009, ApJ, 700, 597).

  • 3C 454.3 became more active and surpassed previous gamma-ray flux levels on Nov. 28 at daily flux=(8.7 ± 0.9) x 10-6. It ended the week on Nov. 30 with daily flux=(9.2 ± 0.8) x 10-6. (The weekly average flux is also high at (6.6 ± 0.3) x 10-6).

  • 4C +14.23 (PKS 0722+145, LAT ATel #2243) was active at a similar level to last week reaching daily flux=(1.8 ± 0.6) x 10-6 on Nov. 27. The source has since faded below threshold.

  • PKS 1222+216 (LAT ATel #2021) appeared on Nov. 24 with daily flux=(0.9 ± 0.3) x 10-6 and continued at this level through Nov. 28.

  • 4C +38.41 matched previous days on Nov. 23 with flux=(0.7 ± 0.2) x 10-6. This is a mild rebrightening of a recently reported high redshift blazar (ATel #2136)

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV. Errors are statistical only.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are from ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.

- Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- Elizabeth Hays (elizabeth.a.hays[at]nasa.gov) for generic information related to this week

- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.76

Covered period: 2009.Nov.16 - 2009.Nov.22 (UT)

LAT Mission week: 76.57 - 77.57

The gamma-ray sky showed some exciting activity this week, with five blazars exceeding the 1⋅10^-6 flux above 100 MeV that defines flaring and a surprise detection of the quasar GB6 B1310+4844.

  • On Nov. 18, GB6 B1310+4844 (LAT ATels #2306, #2316) attracted attention by the detection of a GeV flare consistent with the position of this source (daily flux: (1.0±0.2)⋅10^-6). It remained bright ending the week with an even higher daily flux of (2.2±0.2)⋅10^-6 on Nov. 22.
    (LAT contact: K. Sokolovsky, ksokolov[at]mpifr-bonn.mpg.de)

  • 4C +14.23 (PKS 0722+145, LAT ATel #2243) stays bright above 1⋅10^-6. It faded intermittently during the middle of the week and re-brightened to a daily flux level of (1.8±0.4)⋅10^-6 (average weekly flux: (1.5±0.1)⋅10^-6).

  • Rapid brightening of 3C 454.3 toward the second half of the week, peaking at a daily flux level of (5.7±0.7)⋅10^-6 on Nov 20 (weekly average flux: (3.7±0.2)⋅10^-6).

  • On Nov. 17, B2 1520+31 (LAT ATel #2026) showed a weak flare (daily flux: (0.9±0.3)⋅10^-6), faded and re-appeared even stronger (Nov. 19 - Nov. 21), peaking on Nov. 21 (daily flux: (1.5±0.3)⋅10^-6).

  • On Nov. 17, PKS 1622-253 (LAT ATel #2231) flared. (daily flux: (1.9±0.7)⋅10^-6, weekly flux: (0.5±0.2)⋅10^-6).

  • On Nov. 17, PKS 1510-089 (LAT ATel #2033) flared as well. (daily flux: (1.2±0.4)⋅10^-6, weekly flux: (0.8±0.2)⋅10^-6).

  • 4C +38.41 (LAT ATel #2136) was brightening during Nov. 21 (daily flux: (0.7±0.2)⋅10^-6) and was detected at the same level during Nov. 22.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV. Errors are statistical

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- F. Schinzel (schinzel[at]mpifr-bonn.mpg.de) for generic information related to this week

- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.75

Covered period: 2009.Nov.08 - 2009.Nov.15 (UT)

  • 3C273 detected in a flaring state reaching his maximum in the daily time scale on 9th November with a flux of (3.9+/-0.5)10^-6 (statistical only).
  • 3C454.3 detected most of the week
  • PKS0722+145 show an increasing trend during the week
  • MRK 421 was not detected during the BAT hard-X ray flare in November 10th.
  • PKS 0537-441 detected November 11th, 12th and 15th.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- S. Cutini (sara.cutini[at]asdc.asi.it) for generic information related to this week

- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Update on GeV activity and spectral hardness of GB6 B1310+4844

The LAT source positionally consistent with the flat spectrum radio quasar GB6 B1310+4844 (commonly known as GB1 1310+487 or TXS 1310+487) continues to show strong and variable activity (ATEL 2306, also see ATEL 2310, ATEL 2311). In the daily run for November 26, the flux(E>100MeV) = 1.2 ± 0.2 10-6 photons cm-2 s-1 and photon index=1.8 ± 0.1 (errors are statistical only; results are preliminary from the automated analysis processing). We note that the spectrum is very hard for this type of source in the GeV band. We strongly encourage multiwavelength observations, in particular optical monitoring, of this object given the ongoing activity and GeV spectrum. The LAT contact person is Kirill Sokolovsky (ksokolov[at]mpifr-bonn.mpg.de).

Note. All the flux values reported above are from the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification.

For questions and comments please contact:

- Liz Hays (elizabeth.a.hays[at]nasa.gov) or Lise Escande (escande[at]cenbg.in2p3.fr) for generic information related to this week

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.74 

Covered period: 2009.Nov.02 - 2009.Nov.08 (UT)

LAT Mission week: 59.57 - 60.57

  • OJ 287 (LAT+MW ATel #2256) bright and detected with daily flux (0.5+/-0.1)E-6 on Nov.04 and a bit lower on Nov.05. The weekly averaged flux of OJ 287 is showing an increasing trend in the last month (October).

  • 4C 14.23 (PKS 0722+145, LAT ATel #2243) is bright (daily flux above 1E-6 in the first part of the week).

  • 3C 273 is flaring from Nov.06 to Nov.08 (daily flux above 3E-6, reaching the daily peak of (4.6+/-0.4)E-6 ).

  • 3C 279 was detected around 0.7E-6.

  • 3C 454.3 bright (daily flux reached 2E-6 during some days of the week).

  • Mkn 501 and Mkn 421 detected in two days (daily flux about 0.2E-6 on Nov.04 and 0.5E-6 on Nov.07 respectively).

  • B2 1520+31 detected on Nov.06 (daily flux around 0.8E-6).

  • Sun detected a couple of times this week.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it) for generic information related to this week

- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.73

Covered period: 2009.Oct.26 - 2009.Nov.01

  • 3C 454.3 (z=0.859) is still bright with peak flux 3.33 +/-0.63 x 10^-6 on October 29, weekly average flux 2.80 +/-0.19 x 10^-6. However, it is fading rapidly (see daily lightcurve).

  • 3C 273 (z=0.158) weekly flux 1.08 +/-0.18 x 10^-6.

  • 4C 14.23 (z=1.038) was not detected this week, however it reappeared in the first days of the following week: detected on Nov 02, 03, 04.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV. Uncertainties shown are statistical only.

Note. All the flux values reported above should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication; however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

* K. Sokolovsky (ksokolov[at]mpifr-bonn.mpg.de) and F. Schinzel (schinzel[at]mpifr-bonn.mpg.de) for generic information related to this week

* source contact persons on this page for individual objects cited above.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.72

Covered period: 2009.Oct.12 - 2009.Oct.18

  • 4C 14.23 (z=1.038) was detected on Oct. 13. The flux was (1.5+/-0.4)x10^-6. See Atel #2243. The source was in high state during this week with an average flux of 1x10^-6.

  • 3C 454.3 was detected every day in this week. The average flux was 2x10^-6.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV and quoted errors are statistical only.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- Yasuyuki Tanaka (tanaka[at]astro.isas.jaxa.jp) for generic information related to this week

- source contact persons on this page for individual objects cited above.

Fermi LAT weekly report N.71

Covered period: 2009.Oct.5 - 2009.Oct.11

  • 3C 454.3 was detected every day in this week with an average flux of 4x10^-6.

  • 3C 273 and 4C 21 were bright in this week. The average fluxes were 2x10^-6 and 1x10^-6, respectively.

  • PKS 1118-05 was detected on Oct. 11. The flux was (0.9+/-0.4)x10^-6, which increased by ~12 compared to the average one during the period August 2008 to July 2009. This source showed an increased gamma-ray activity on Feb. 17, 2009. See ATel#1932.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV and quoted errors are statistical only.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- Yasuyuki Tanaka (tanaka[at]astro.isas.jaxa.jp) for generic information related to this week

- source contact persons on this page for individual objects cited above.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fermi LAT Weekly report No. 69

Covered period: 2009.Sep.21 - 2009.Sep.27

  • 3C 273 continued to be active. The fluxes were highest at the beginning of the week, with an average flux value of (8.7 +- 0.8) X 10^-6 on the first two days (21 and 22 of September) and values ~3 X 10^-6 for the rest of the week.

  • 3C 454.3 continued to be active, with an average flux of ~3 X 10^-6 during the week.

  • The FSRQ B3 1343+451 flared the entire week, whith a flux of ~1 X 10^-6. This corresponds to an increase of a factor ~15 in flux with respect to the first year of Fermi observations. Given the high redshift (z=2.534, Shaw, M.S. et al., in preparation) of the source such high fluxes are very rare and
    Atel #2217 was sent out.

  • PKS 1222+21 was detected with a flux of (1.4 +- 0.5) X 10^-6 on 25 of September.

  • GRB 090926181 was detected on 26 of September.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV and errors are statistical onlys.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- R. Buehler (buehler[at]slac.stanford.edu) for generic information related to this week

- source contact persons on this page for individual objects cited above.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fermi LAT Weekly report No. 70

Covered period: 2009.Sept.28 - 2009.Oct.04

This was a busy week for the Fermi extragalactic sky:

  • Three gamma-ray blazars consistently reached very high fluxes of 4 x 10-6 ph cm-2. These were 3C 454.3, 3C 273 and 4C 21 (PKS 1222+21). The high fluxes of the former two are in line with their recent trends. In the case of 4C 21, the flare is quite remarkable since this is not a usually bright blazar. Unfortunately, the source is too close to the Sun and few observations at other wavelengths are possible.

  • A gamma-ray flare was detected on Sept 29-30 that was positionally consistent with the location of Fermi Bright source 0FGL J1641.4+3939 (Abdo, A. et al. 2009 ApJ, 700, 597). This is an interesting region for Fermi because there are at least 3 possible counterparts: 3C345, NRAO 512 and CLASS J1641+3935. Well-known blazar 3C 345 is the leading counterpart candidate given the localization of the Fermi flare (as described in ATel#2226) and the increased activity observed at other wavelengths (see ATel#2222). Hopefully, the identity of this Fermi source will be revealed based on the MW data obtained during this week.

  • There was a short but significant flare by PKS 1621-253 (see ATel#2231). Its flux on October 4th (1.9 +/- 0.2 x 10-6 ph cm-2 s-1) was about ~17 times higher than the average flux during the first year of Fermi observations. This blazar was detected by EGRET as 3EG J1626-2519 (Hartman, R.C. et al. 1999, ApJS, 123, 79).

  • The following publicly monitored sources were active during the week: S5 0716+714, PKS 0537-441, PKS 0454-234 and Mrk 421 (one or two significant detections during the week with fluxes <~ 10-6 ph cm-2 s-1).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- L. Reyes (lcreyes[at]uchicago.edu) for generic information related to this week

- source contact persons on this page for individual objects cited above.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 68

Covered period: 2009.Sep.14 - 2009.Sep.20

  • 3C454.3 detected every day up to a maximum daily flux of 6 x 10^-6 (see ATel #2200).

  • 3C273 detected for the last 6 days, flaring up to a daily flux of 1 x 10^-5 (see ATel #2200).

  • 3C279 detected for the first part of the week reaching a daily flux of 1 x 10^-6 .

  • B2 1520+31, PKS 0805-07, S5 0716+714, detected in one or two days of the week (flux below 1 X 10^-6 ).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- A.B. Hill (adam.hill[at]obs.ujf-grenoble.fr) for generic information related to this week

- source contact persons on this page for individual objects cited above.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Special Addition: Bright blazars

  • 3C454.3 and 3C273 have both flared brightly in the first part of this week with daily fluxes of 6 x 10^-6 on September 15th and 1 x 10^-5 on September 16th respectively. See ATel#2200.

    The FSSC public lightcurves are also available 3C453.3; 3C273

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- A.B. Hill (adam.hill[at]obs.ujf-grenoble.fr) for generic information related to this bright activity

- source contact persons on this page for individual objects cited above.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.65

Covered period: 2009.Aug.24 - 2009.Aug.30

  • 3C273 bright in the first part of this week with a weekly flux above 1 X 10^-6.
  • 3C454.3 detected every day in this week and shows a weekly flux higher than 2.0 X 10^-6
  • 4C 38.41 (B2 1633+38) continues its high phase with a weekly flux around 1 X 10^-6
  • PKS 2023-07 detected in a high state ATEL 2175 issued
  • ,weekly flux around 1 X 10^-6
  • 3C 279 bright in the last part of this week (flux approaching and around 1 X 10^-6).
  • PKS 1510-089, PKS 1502+106,S4 0716+71 , detected in one or two days of the week (flux below 1 X 10^-6 ).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

-D. Gasparrini (gasparrini[at]asdc.asi.it) for generic information related to this week

- source contact persons on this page for individual objects cited above.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.62

Covered period: August 2 - August 9, 2009

  • 3C279 at 1.38 +/- 0.12 x 10^-6 in high state -- ATEL 2154 issued

  • 3C273 at 0.74 +/- 0.11 x 10^-6 showing a rising trend with respect to previous weeks.

  • 3C454.3 at 1.00 +/- 0.12 x 10^-6 showing a rising trend

  • B2 1633+38 ( 4C 38.41 ) at 0.98 +/- 0.09 x 10^-6 – see the previous ATEL 2136 issued

  • Detected Mkn 421, PKS 1510-089, S5 0716+71, PKS 1244-255 and PKS 2155-304

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV. The quoted errors are statistical only.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- F. Longo (francesco.longo[at]ts.infn.it) for generic information related to this week

- source contact persons on this page for individual objects cited above.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.60

Covered period: 2009.Jul.20 - 2009.Jul.26

  • Blazars PKS 0805-07 (z=1.837) and 4C 38.41 (B2
    , z=1.814) both active during the week and both flaring on July 22 (daily flux 1.60 +/- 0.33 X 10^-6 and daily flux 1.38+/-0.32 X 10^-6 respectively). See ATel#2136.

  • 3C 279 bright in the last part of this week (flux approaching and around 1 X 10^-6).

  • PKS 1510-089 continues to be detected with daily fluxes around or above 1 X 10^-6 .

  • PKS 1244-255, B2 1520+31, PKS 0537-441, PKS 2155-304, PKS 1502+106, detected in one or two days of the week (flux below 1 X 10^-6 ).

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it) for generic information related to this week

- source contact persons on this page for individual objects cited above.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.59

Covered period: 2009.July.13 - 2009.July.19

  • PKS 0537-441 continues to be bright, reaching a peak flux of 1.82 +/- 0.84 x 10-6 on July 18.

  • B2 1520+31 was detected every day with fluxes ranging from (0.46 +/- 0.16) to (1.59 +/- 0.67) x 10-6.

  • PKS 1510-089 continues to be detected with daily fluxes from (0.96 +/- 0.32) to (2.50 +/- 0.41) x 10-6.

  • PKS 1424-41 reached a peak flux of 1.20 +/- 0.33 x 10-6 on July 14 and faded away after July 17.

  • 3C 454.3 was detected with a flux of 1.10 +/- 0.38 x 10-6 on July 19.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/s/cm2 above 100 MeV.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- P. Fortin (fortin[at]llr.in2p3.fr) for generic information related to this week

- source contact persons on this page for individual objects.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.58

Covered period: 2009.July.6 - 2009.July.12

  • PKS 0537−441 brightened in the past three weeks, reaching on July 10 a peak flux: 1.43 ± 0.45 × 10−6 ph cm−2 s−1 (see also ATel #2124).
  • 3C 279 was bright, above 10−6 ph cm−2 s−1 on several days.
  • B2 1520+31 showed an increasing flux all week, exceeding 10−6 ph cm−2 s−1 on July 12.
  • PKS 1510−089 continues to be detected with daily fluxes from (1.2 ± 0.3) to (1.9 ± 0.4) × 10−6 ph cm−2 s−1.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons × s−1 cm−2 above 100 MeV.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- D. Bastieri (denis.bastieri[at]pd.infn.it) for generic information related to this week

- source contact persons on this page for individual objects.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.57

Covered period: 2009.June.29 - 2009.July.5

  • MG2 J071354+1934 (0FGL J0714.2+1934) flared on July 3 reaching a flux of 1.0 +/- 0.3 e-6 (see ATEL #2110).

  • 3C 279 was bright above 1e-6 on several days

  • B2 1520+31 active on July 2 at 0.98 +/- 0.25 e-6

  • PKS 1510-089 continues to be detected with daily fluxes from 1.3 +/- 0.2 e-6 to 2.5 +/- 0.4 e-6

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/s/cm2 above 100 MeV.

Note. All the fluxes reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N.56

Covered period: 2009.June.22 - 2009.June.28

  • PKS 1510‐089 is detected over the full week with fluxes ranging from 1 to 3.36 e-6

  • 3C454.3 at 1.40 e-6 during one day of the week

  • Mkn 421 rose to 0.28 e-6 one day the week.

  • PKS 0454-234 detected at 0.49 e-6 during one day of the week.

  • PMN J2331-2148 reached a value of 0.82 +/- 0.26 e-6 and it seems to be fading - see the ATel #2101

  • PKS 1424-418 detected at 0.60+/0.19 e-6 at the last day of the week -- see the ATel #2104

All the fluxes are in the unit of photons/s/cm2 above 100 MeV.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 55

Covered period: 2009.June.16 - 2009.June.22

  • PKS 1510-089 is the brightest blazar this week fluctuating between daily flux of 1.01e-6 and 2.65e-6.

  • PKS 1502+106 detected this week ranging from daily flux of 0.65e-6 and 1.61e-6.

  • 3C454.3 rose to 0.98 one day during the week.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/s/cm2 above 100 MeV.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 54

Covered period: 2009.June.8 - 2009.June.14

  • Fermi LAT detected a new Gamma-ray transient in the Galactic Plane: J1057-6027 on June 11th, with the daily flux of (2.4 +/- 0.7)e-6 ph cm-2 s-1. (see ATel #2081).
    The source was not detected on following days.

  • PKS 1510-089 remains in the 1e-6 to 3e-6 daily flux range.

  • PKS 1502+106 shows a steady trend with daily fluxes around 1e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:

- H. Yasuda (yasuda[at]hep01.hepl.hiroshima-u.ac.jp) for generic information related to this week

- source contact persons on this page for individual objects.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fermi LAT Weekly Report N. 52

Covered period: 2009.May.25 - 2009.May.31

  • Candidate blazar 4C31.03 (see ATel #2054) seen in day timescales with flux levels reaching 0.8e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • PKS 1510-089 remains in the 1e-6 to 2e-6 daily flux range (>100MeV)

  • PKS 1502+106 shows a steady trend with daily fluxes (>100MeV) around 1e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • 3C 454.3 showed consistent daily flux levels (>100MeV) just below 1e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • S5 0716+714 showed a weekly flux (>100MeV) of 0.3E-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • Mrk 421 showed consistent daily flux levels (>100MeV) around 0.3e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • 3C 273 returns after a low state period, with several daily detections, the highest flux (>100MeV) reaching just above 1e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • 3C 279 decreases its activity with a weekly flux (>100MeV) of 0.4e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • PKS 2155-304 is active this week with several daily detections at flux (>100MeV) of 0.5e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • 3C 66A detected with weekly flux (>100MeV) of 0.4e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • PKS 0537-441 (see ATel #1759) detected with weekly flux (>100MeV) of 0.4e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • PKS 0454-234 (see ATel #1898) appeared once with daily flux (>100MeV) of 0.6e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • 0917+449 (see ATel #1902) appeared in two daily runs with flux (>100MeV) of 0.3e-6 and 0.4e-6 ph/cm^2/s respectively.

  • PKS 0727-115 (see ATel #1919) appeared during the week with flux (>100MeV) of 0.3e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • PKS 0250-225 (see ATel #1933) appeared with daily flux (>100MeV) of 0.2e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • B2 1520+31 (see ATel #2026) appeared on several days reaching a flux (>100MeV) of 0.5e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • PKS 0805-07 (see ATel #2048) detected with a daily flux (>100MeV) of 0.2e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • PKS 0440-00 (see ATel #2049) decreases to a weekly flux (>100MeV) of 0.3e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • LSI +61 303 still bright and detected in some days of this week.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
W. McConville (wmcconvi[at]umd.edu) for generic information related to this week;
- for PKS 1510-089 the LAT contact person is A. Tramacere (tramacer[at]slac.stanford.edu);
- for PKS 1502+106 the LAT contact person is S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it);
- for 3C 454.3 the LAT contact people are B. Lott (lott[at]cenbg.in2p3.fr) and G. Madejski (madejski[at]slac.stanford.edu););
- for Mrk 421 the LAT contact people are V. Lonjou (vincent.lonjou[at]cesr.fr) and D. Paneque (dpaneque[at]slac.stanford.edu););
- for 3C 273 the LAT contact people are J. Chiang (jchiang[at]slac.stanford.edu) and W. Collmar (wec[at]mpe.mpg.de););
- for 3C 279 the LAT contact people are Greg Madejski (madejski[at]slac.stanford.edu) and Werner Collmar (wec[at]mpe.mpg.de);
- for PKS 2155-304 the LAT contact person is B. Giebels (berrie[at]llr.in2p3.fr););
- for 3C 66A the LAT contact person is L. Reyes (lreyes[at]kicp.uchicago.edu););
- for PKS 0537-441 the LAT contact person is G. Tosti (tosti[at]pg.infn.it););
- for PKS 0454-234 the LAT contact person is D. Gasparrini (dario.gasparrini[at]asdc.asi.it););
- for 0917+449 the LAT contact person is W. McConville (wmcconvi[at]umd.edu););
- for PKS 0727-115 the LAT contact person is A. Tramacere (tramacer[at]slac.stanford.edu););
- for 0250-225 the LAT contact person is W. McConville (wmcconvi[at]umd.edu););
- for B2 1520+31 the LAT contact person is D. Gasparrini (dario.gasparrini[at]asdc.asi.it););
- for PKS 0805-07 the LAT contact person is S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it););
- for PKS 0440-00 the LAT contact people are S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it) and F. Longo (francesco.longo[at]ts.infn.it);
- for LSI +61 303 the LAT contact person is R. Dubois (richard[at]slac.stanford.edu);

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 51

Covered period: 2009.May.18 - 2009.May.24

  • Fermi LAT detection of recent activity in a source positionally consistent with the candidate blazar 4C31.03 (see ATel #2054).

  • PKS 1510-089 and PKS 1502+106 are the brightest blazars with fluxes (>100 MeV) always above 1e-6 ph/cm^2/s and exceeding 2e-6 ph/cm^2/s on one day of this week.

  • 3C 454.3 reached a flux (>100MeV) greater than 3e-6 ph/cm^2/s but only one day. The rest of the week it has been around 1e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • S5 0716+714 showed up with a daily flux (>100MeV) of 0.7e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • PKS 0440-00 continues its activity with the highest weekly flux since Fermi launch and one daily flux (>100MeV) of 1.9e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • 3C 279 brightens up after a low state period, with fluxes (>100MeV) above 1e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • LSI +61 303 bright and detected in some days of this week.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
E. Cavazzuti (elisabetta.cavazzuti[at]asdc.asi.it) for generic information related to this week;
- for PKS 1510-089 the LAT contact person is A. Tramacere (tramacer[at]slac.stanford.edu);
- for PKS 1502+106 the LAT contact person is S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it);
- for 3C 454.3 the LAT contact people are B. Lott (lott[at]cenbg.in2p3.fr) and G. Madejski (madejski[at]slac.stanford.edu););
- for PKS 0440-00 the LAT contact people are S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it) and F. Longo (francesco.longo[at]ts.infn.it);
- for 3C 279 the LAT contact people are Greg Madejski (madejski[at]slac.stanford.edu) and Werner Collmar (wec[at]mpe.mpg.de);
- for LSI +61 303 the LAT contact person is R. Dubois (richard[at]slac.stanford.edu);

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report no. 50

Covered period: 2009.May.11 - 2009.May.17

  • Fermi LAT detection of recent activity in a source positionally consistent with the blazar PKS 0805-07 (see ATel #2048).

  • Fermi LAT detection of a GeV flare in a source positionally consistent with blazar NRAO 190 (PKS 0440-00). (see ATel #2049).

  • 3C 66A is active (with a flux (>100 MeV) around or above above 1e-6 ph/cm^2/s) during the whole week.

  • PKS 1510-089 is the brightest blazar (flux (>100 MeV) exceeded 2e-6 ph/cm^2/s on several days of this week).

  • PKS 1502+106 is fluctuating around a flux (>100 MeV) of 1e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • 3C 454.3 is quieter, but reached the level of 1.5e-6 ph/cm^2/s at the end of the week.

  • PKS 2155-304 is detected sometimes with daily flux (>100 MeV) around 0.3e-6 ph/cm^2/s.

  • LSI +61 303 bright and detected in most days of this week.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it) for generic information related to this week;
- for PKS 1510-089 the LAT contact person is A. Tramacere (tramacer[at]slac.stanford.edu);
- for PKS 1502+106 the LAT contact person is S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it);
- for 3C 66A the LAT contact person is L. C. Reyes (lreyes[at]kicp.uchicago.edu);
- for 3C 454.3 the LAT contact persons are B. Lott (lott[at]cenbg.in2p3.fr) and G. Madejski (madejski[at]slac.stanford.edu);)
- for PKS 2155-304 the LAT contact persons are B. Giebels (berrie[at]llr.in2p3.fr) and J. Chiang (jchiang[at]slac.stanford.edu);
- for LSI +61 303 the LAT contact person is R. Dubois (richard[at]slac.stanford.edu).

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report no. 49

** Covered period : 2009/05/04 - 2009/05/10 **


  • PKS 1510-089 stays fairly constant all week with a flux (>100 MeV) between 1.8-3.2 e-6 ph/cm^2/s.
  • 3C273 is detected at the end of the week with a flux (>100 MeV) of 1.64+/-0.5e-6 ph/cm^2/s in the daily time scale.
  • PKS 1502+106 is fairly constant through the week with a flux of ~1.8e-6 ph/cm^2/s in the daily time scale.
  • 3C454.3 is quieter this week only reaching flux (>100 MeV) of 0.52+/-0.15e-6 ph/cm^2/s.
  • PKS 2155-304 was detected towards the middle of the week with a flux (>100 MeV) of 0.22+/-0.09e-6 ph/cm^2/s on May 6th.
  • 3C66AB was detected reaching a flux (>100 MeV) of 0.64+/-0.17e-6 ph/cm^2/s on May 5th.
  • LSI+61 303 is detected in most days.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and cannot be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source.
Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
A. Hill (adam.hill[at]obs.ujf-grenoble.fr)
for generic information related to this week;
for PKS 1510-089 the LAT contact person is A. Tramacere (tramacer[at]slac.stanford.edu);
for PKS 1502+106 the LAT contact person is S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it);

Friday, May 8, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report no. 48

** Covered period : 2009/04/27 - 2009/05/03 **


  • PKS 1510-089 seems to fade after the strong flare on past Sunday, halving its flux during the week.
  • 3C273 continues its increasing trend (~2 times past week) with a flux of 1.4+/-0.1e-6 ph/cm^2/s in the weekly time scale.
  • PKS 1502+106 continues its high activity period reaching a flux of 2.4+/-0.7e-6 ph/cm^2/s in the daily time scale.
  • 3C454.3 is quite bright in the end of the week reaching flux of 1.9+/-0.3e-6 ph/cm^2/s.
  • PKS 2155-304 was quite active in the fist half of the week with a flux of 0.5+/-0.1e-6 ph/cm^2/s on April 28th.
  • LSI+61 303 is detected most days.
All the reported fluxes are above 100 MeV.
Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and cannot be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source.
Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
D. Gasparrini (dario.gasparrini[at]asdc.asi.it) and
F. Longo (francesco.longo[at]ts.infn.it) for generic information related to this week;
for PKS 1510-089 the LAT contact person is A. Tramacere (tramacer[at]slac.stanford.edu);
for PKS 1502+106 the LAT contact person is S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it);

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report no. 47

** Covered period : 2009/04/20 - 2009/04/26 **


  • PKS 1510-089 was very strong during this week, it shows a flux higher than 12 times the average flux of previous months. Atel #2033 was issued.
  • 3C273 was quite bright and it was detected in almost days reaching flux of 2.1+/-0.5e-6 ph/cm^2/s.
  • PKS 1502+106 still bright reaching a flux of 2.0+/-0.4e-6 ph/cm^2/s in the daily time scale.
  • 3C454.3 was quite bright and it was detected in almost days reaching flux of 1.9+/-0.4e-6 ph/cm^2/s.
  • B2 1502+31 high activity state, it was reaching flux of 1.9+/-0.7e-6 ph/cm^2/s. Atel #2026 was issued.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and cannot be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source.
Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
S. Cutini (sara.cutini[at]asdc.asi.it) for generic information related to this week;
for PKS 1510-089 the LAT contact person is A. Tramacere (tramacer[at]slac.stanford.edu);
for PKS 1502+106 the LAT contact person is S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it);
B2 1502+31 the LAT contact person is D. Gasparrini (dario.gasparrini[at]asdc.asi.it)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fermi-LAT weekly report no. 46

Covered period 2009/4/13 - 2009/4/19


  • PKS 1222+216 detected at 10*average flux. ATEL 2021 issued.
  • PKS 1510-089 and PKS 1502+106 still bright and active during this week, oscillating around ~1e-6 ph cm^2s
  • PKS 0727-115 decreasing flux from last week.
  • BlLac detected at 0.65 e-6 ph cm^2s on dailiy scale
  • S5 0716_714 at 0.4 e-6 ph cm^2s on daily scale.

Other sources of interest

  • 3C 66AB still increasing trend reaching a value of 0.4 e-6 ph cm^2s.
  • 3C273 at 0.9 ph cm^2s.

Note. All the average weekly flux reported above should be considered preliminary and cannot be used for publication, however they are indicative of the current status of a source.

For questions and comments please contact Francesco Longo (francesco.longo@ts.infn.it) for generic information, for PKS 1222+216 the Fermi LAT contact person is G.Iafrate (giulia.iafrate@gmail.com).

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fermi LAT weekly report no.44:

** Covered period : 2009/03/30 - 2009/04/05 **


  • PKS 1510-089 very strong also during this week (1.4E-6 to 2.6E-6 ph/cm^2/s).
  • PKS 1502+106 still bright (around or somewhat below 1E-6 ph/cm^2/s during the week).
  • PKS 1454-354 shown a mildly increasing weekly trend in the last 3 weeks (the daily flux of 1E-6 ph/cm^2/s has been reached only on April.04).
  • New source, very preliminary associated with PKS 0402-362 (z=1.417).
  • PMN J0948+0022 detected for the first time on a daily scale (only on Apr.01).

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and cannot be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source.
Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.
This communication can be cited as Fermi LAT weekly report no.44 available at

For questions and comments please contact:
S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it) for generic information related to this week;
for PKS 1510-089 the LAT contact person is A. Tramacere (tramacer[at]slac.stanford.edu);
for PKS 1502+106 the LAT contact person is S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]pg.infn.it);
for both PKS 1454-354 and PMN J0948+0022 the LAT contact person is L. Foschini (luigi.foschini[at]brera.inaf.it).