Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fermi LAT weekly report N. 196

Covered period: 2012 March 5-11 LAT Mission week: 196.57 -

  • Significant gamma-ray emission detected by the LAT from relevant Solar Flares occurred on March 5, March 7 and March 9.

  • PKS 1510-08 subject to an enduring high gamma-ray brightness state all week (weekly average flux about 3.7E-6).

  • S5 0716+71, PKS 1424-41, Mkn 421 are detected most days of the week (below daily level of  1E-6).

  • PKS 0454-234B3 1343+451, Ton 599, B2 1520+31, BL Lac, Mkn 501PKS 2255-282, S5 1803+78 are the other blazars detected in one or some days of the week.

  • Crab source actively rumbling during the week, exceeding the daily flux level of 4E-6 in the midst of the week.

Fluxes are in the unit of photons/cm^2/s above 100 MeV.
All uncertainties are statistical only.

Note. All the flux reported above are by the ASP analysis and should be considered preliminary and should not be used for publication, however they are indicative of the flux range and the current status of a source. Source association is done on the basis of source location, considering spatial coincidence only, and it is not indicative of an identification. - Please acknowledge the LAT team if you use information from this report.

For questions and comments please contact:
- S. Ciprini (stefano.ciprini[at]asdc.asi.it) for generic information related to this week
- Contact persons on this page for individual sources cited above.

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